First blog post

Hello friends! Its a Bermudaful day!

I decided to start a blog to share this crazy adventure John and I started 6 months ago. We moved to Bermuda for work, John’s employer offered a transfer to Bermuda and we couldn’t say no! We would be crazy to decline an awesome opportunity to travel to this beautiful island. It has been 6 months and we are still finding new things to do and see! Along the way so far, we have met some fantastic friends. We feel so blessed to be here, (even though we miss friends and family) and can’t wait to share some of our adventures with you!

Since I’m fairly new to the blogging world please be kind and share your ideas for posts, comments, and thoughts. Thank you 🙂

2 thoughts on “First blog post

  1. Hi my darlings, this is Grandma and Aunty, we love the idea of the blog, so we can keep you with us and follow your amazing journey, Love and hugs keeping Grandma in the loop and she loves reading all about you and see your amazing faces — p.s. Grandma has sent you a hand written letter if you can read it, hope you get it, just mailed yesterday, miss you

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